Get to know Bonnie Babies

An Island of Dogs

Boonie Babies Rescue is an amazing nonprofit organization on the US territory of Saipan. Saipan, along with the rest of the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean, became a US territory in 1986; meaning that the 50,000 islanders and the 25,000 stray dogs that call this place home are U.S. citizens.

Run by Aria and Grace Keibach, Boonie Babies Rescue has dedicated their lives and home to addressing the pressing issue of stray dogs on Saipan and the crisis it has caused on the island. With unwavering commitment and a compassion for the wellbeing of both locals and the dogs, Boonie Babies Rescue has positioned itself as a beacon of hope for the thousands of strays struggling to survive on Saipan.

Through rescue, rehabilitation, and responsible adoption, the organization strives to alleviate the suffering of these animals and create a sustainable solution for the island's lack of veterinary care, humane euthanasia and animal cruelty laws. Boonie Babies Rescue not only takes in and homes hundreds of dogs from the island, but they also work to provide essential veterinary care to the animals, while also actively engaging in community education and outreach to promote responsible pet ownership.

The tireless work these two have put in to save the lives of so many unwanted animals, and help so many others pass over in a humane, and loved manner should not go unnoticed. They show how large of an impact that a dedicated nonprofit can have on the welfare of a local community, making them a vital resource to Saipan.

Aria (Left) and Grace (Right) Keibach, founders of Boonie Babies Rescue



Working to Save the Boonies

Boonie Babies is working with law makers to provide humane means of euthanasia to the suffering animals of the island, among other crucial legislation for the wellbeing of the dogs.

Providing Veterinary Care

They have provided safe spay/neuters to hundreds of dogs on island, preventing hundreds of unwanted dogs in the future.

Boonies Love Our Soap

Any dog is a friend of ours, but rescue dogs that love sustainably made gifts and souvenirs hold a special place in our hearts!

Rescuing Dogs Is Hot, Duh!

If you weren't aware that rescuing dogs makes you hot, well you are now! If you want to learn more about why that's the case, listen to their Podcast "Hot Girls Rescue Dogs!"

Why We Love Boonie Babies Rescue

Donate to their Nonprofit

It's not easy feeding, caring for, and providing medical attention for hundreds of dog. Any and all donations help make a difference to toe lives of these animals. Venmo & PayPal: @booniebabies

Zen Hills has donated $1018.18 so far because of customers like you!

Follow their Social Media

You can find Boonie Babies Rescue across many different social media platforms, where you can stay up to date on the amazing work they are doing, and stay informed on ways to help their cause!

Buy from Their Wishlist

Send some pet essentials to the island of Saipan through their Wishlist linked in the bios of their social media accounts! Help keep the Boonies fed, bathed and flea and tick free!

Listen to the Podcast!

Listen to their podcast, where they talk about the work they've done and the wild stories they've made while living on the island of Saipan. Be sure to leave a rating while you're there to help them grow!

How You Can Help Boonie Babies Rescue